The Journey

This blog began in an attempt to provide resources and encouragement for homeschoolers. However, during this homeschool adventure, I've found it's also about life. Specifically about losing my own life, that I might find it in Jesus and thus discover the joy of REAL life. (Matthew 10:39)

In March, 2012, our family stepped out in faith again as we moved out to the country. The first step of faith was trusting the Lord to sell our other home before our emergency fund ran out. He is faithful, and though I was hoping this would happen sooner, He knows what we needed.

I just know that He is going to use these 5 acres and this old house to teach me even more lessons in abiding with Him...and I look forward to the Adventure!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Lessons from a Pilot Car...

This morning I set off to get chicken food with my princess and warrior.  We're going out of town in a few days and the birds will need to stay inside while we're gone.  Stocking up on food was, therefore, necessary.  As if leaving home wasn't enough, the first meeting of our new home school group, HIS Learning Kids, is the day before we leave.  The night before we leave, our children will be presenting what they, and the rest of the children, learned during the Kids Worship Camp this summer at our "Friday night" congregation.  And tonight, they'll join me at dance practice to go over their "presentation" for Friday.  Then it's back home to our "Sunday church" Wednesday night activities, including handbell practice and setting up for Friday's classes.  Have I lost you yet? : ) 

As I thought of all of this, a song came on from the CD I was listening to (as my princess and warrior were doing their reading in the back seat) which says, "Lord, may I be still and quiet my soul as a weaned child from his mother."  As I wrote this all in my journal, I added the prayer: "Lord, I trust You to lead me beside quiet waters as I come to You for refreshment.  Help me to take it one step at a time as I look and plan for the days ahead."

Anyway, back to our morning.  I told my warrior and princess that they could have 10 minutes to play at the "playground" where we get our chicken food if they finished their reading before we got there.  It's about a 45 minute trip total and by this time there was about 30 minutes left.  They would get 15 minutes to play if they finished their math too, and 20 if they both had science done as well.  Shortly after I told them this, we were stopped to wait for a pilot car - construction.

As we waited, there was much interest from the back seat as to the status of the pilot car's arrival.  It came, we followed - driving in the left hand land - which was very odd!I kept fighting the urge to pull over into the right land, but I'm sure glad I didn't do that because a big truck soon came toward us in that right lane!  For a moment I thought about what it would be like to be in Europe and drive this way all the time!

We finally came to the end of the one lane traffic.  The pilot car pulled over, and we passed it and the other cars waiting for it.  There was a bright orange sign on top of the pilot car which read:  PILOT CAR FOLLOW ME.  I thought again how glad I was to have followed it in the land I was unaccustomed to using.  Then another thought came to me - Jesus said, "Follow Me" to His disciples. 

I didn't know the driver of that pilot car this morning, and that driver didn't know me.  But he or she had the job to lead me and others safely through that one lane area - and I (and others) trusted him or her to do that job well.

How much more ought I - and you - trust the One Who made me - and you?  He is not a stranger to me, nor am I to Him.

Signs on side streets commanded: WAIT FOR PILOT CAR.  This, too, is a reminder to wait on the One Who will lead us safely through one way traffic.  Indeed, there is only one way to navigate successfully through this life to the next.  Jesus says in John 14:6 (NIV84),

"I am the way and the truth and the life.  
No one comes to the Father except through Me."

I want Jesus to be the driver of the pilot car I'm following through life.  He loves me so much that He laid down His life for me.  So even when the road gets bumpy, and it seems like I'm on the wrong side of the road, I want to wait for His lead, trusting Him to guide me to where I'm headed safely - my eternal home.

What about you?  Who's driving the pilot car you're following down this road of life?  

If it's Jesus, I'm glad!  I pray that you'll be encouraged and strengthened when the road gets bumpy or it feels like you're on the wrong side of the road.  Cling closer to Him during those times!  Seek His face and find comfort in His Word.

If it's not Jesus, I humbly ask you to consider why it's not.  He truly is the best pilot car driver in all the world.  His Word stands firm and will never change, unlike the things of this world.  For while that road construction project will eventually end, it will also need to be repaired again some time in the future.  For pavement chips and breaks, but not so the Lord Who loves you so much that He died for you. 

You can't work your way into heaven.  It's only by the grace freely offered through Jesus the Messiah.  And in return, He only asks that you love Him with all your heart.  You can get to know Him by reading the Word He gave us.  His Holy Spirit will guide you.  All you have to do is ask...

(Yes, these last few paragraphs might seem "preachy" to some.  But this is truly the most important decision you can make in your life.  For who you follow now impacts not only your life here on this earth, but your eternal life.  Everyone has one, whether you follow the One Who made you or not.)

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Warning About Love...Because THAT's What It's All About

On April 2nd, I was reading through my latest memory verse, 1 Corinthians 12:31, trying to get it to "stick" so to speak, before going to sleep for the night. (I find that is the best time to get something to permanently stick in my head, it's like the sleep helps the "glue" to dry.)  The Lord has been gently leading me to memorize 1 Corinthians 13 for some time, and it was now time.  To help me remember that, I had written down through about verse 6 in my spiral.

While reading and re-reading the verse, my thoughts meandered to another Siesta's verse for April 1st.  It's from Philippians 1 and also speaks of love.  She had shared her verse in an email earlier in the day and the common thread of love popped out at me then too.  What is it about love?  This question came to mind, and I'm pretty sure it was directed to the Lord.

Flipping to the next card, I began to read 1 Corinthians 13:1.  A song popped into my mind.  The chorus says, "Let my life be the proof..the proof of Your love."  Toward the end of the song this passage is read...starting with 1 Corinthians 13:1.  As I "heard" it being read, the question again came to mind...Is there a message the Lord is trying to tell His people about love?  (Okay, it didn't "sound" that "clear" my head, but that was the idea. Why the question?  Because I've noticed a theme sometimes in songs, messages, prayers, challenges, etc. and now wondered about this "love" theme.) 

Then it hit me...what Jesus told His disciples about the signs of the end of the age...their love will grow cold.  At that thought, I put my index cards (spiral) down and picked my notebook up.  I found the verse in Matthew 24:

"And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity, But he who endures to the end will be saved."  
Matthew 24:12-13, Amplified

After finding the reference, I read through verses 3 to 14.  In the NIV84 this passage is labeled, "Signs of the End of the Age."  I looked through the other gospels for this passage where Jesus speaks of the end of the age, and read through Mark 13 and Luke 21.  They both have at least a little something about the suffering that will occur - especially regarding the destruction of the temple - but no others speak of their love growing cold - and it seemed to me that He is speaking of the Church.  However, there was a definite similarity in the need to "keep watch" to "stay alert" and to "not be led astray."  More to ponder...Jesus also spoke of false prophets and teachers as well and not to be fooled by them.

In thinking of guarding myself...and teaching my princess and warrior to do the same...I can only think of one sure way to guard least as sure as I can think know God's Word so well that any twisting of it would be recognized...AND (of course) to pray for the Lord to give wisdom, guidance, and discernment in ALL circumstances...for as 1 Peter 5:8-10 says...that enemy of ours prowls around like a hungry lion as he seeks to seize upon and devour someone - we must withstand the enemy by abiding in Jesus (John 15).

While writing this now, the phrase "guarding your heart" kept going through my mind, but I couldn't place it.  Finally, Psalm 119:11 came to mind in a little song we used in a children's church we led.  This passage from Psalm 119 is definitely one of my favorites as it so clearly points to the road we must follow to keep a pure heart!

"How can a young man keep his way pure? 
By living according to your word.  
I seek you with all my heart; 
do not let me stray from your commands.  
I have hidden your word in my heart 
that I might not sin against you.  
Praise be to you, O LORD; 
teach me your decrees. 
With my lips I recount
all the laws that come from your mouth. 
I rejoice in following your statutes 
as one rejoices in great riches.  
I meditate on your precepts 
and consider your ways. 
I delight in your decrees; 
I will not neglect your word.
Psalm 119: 9-16, NIV84
(copied and pasted from

Here is my prayer from that night...I hope you'll join in praying this over my family and yours.  Because I want to let my life be the proof of His Love, don't you?

Lord, Teach me to love more like You.  May it hurt when I don't so that I'll quickly turn back to You and Your ways.  May our family love each other as You do.  May we be a family after Your own Heart.  May our love not grow cold.  Amen.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Stories...Not Even the Whole World Would Have Room

I began keeping a journal sometime in 2006.  At first I tried to have one for prayers, another for interesting things that happened in our family and another for taking notes during sermons and other speakers I listened to.  However, I soon found everything overlapping and blending together.  I now just keep one notebook, and everything goes into it.  (There is likely another post wrapped up here, but that will be for another day.)

Around Christmas time, I determined to go back and read through these journals.  Perhaps I thought about it because of all the changes which took place in 2012.  Perhaps not.  Regardless, I thought I would zip right through them before the start of 2013.  Wrong.  I'm still working my way through them...

As I've done so, I've been amazed more than a few times.  One of the most prominent things that amazes me is how LONG I've been asking the Lord to help me with certain aspects of my life and especially my habits.  I've written before on willingly and cheerfully placing myself under the authority of my husband (1 Peter 3:5-6).  In reading my journals I realized how LONG I've been asking the Lord for help in this area!  I must be one of the world's slowest learners, I guess.

I've also run across things the Lord showed me then that are still relevant now.  And that's just what brings us to the subject of this post...

Over the weekend I read something that seemed worthy of being shared...I hope you'll agree at the end.  This was written on June 16, 2010 (which just happens to be one of my sister's birthday!)...

"As I started to pray from my index cards this morning, some additional thoughts came to mind.  I was praying my 'wake up' prayer which speaks to the unpredictability of life with children.  I was saying thank You to the LORD for His creation - He created it for my enjoyment.  I then added that He created me for His enjoyment - which was old, but new. 

I went on to say that I wanted to be enjoyable to Him today - and also to my family.  I want to be an enjoyable mom, wife, friend, daughter and sister.  But I need help.  I can not do it without Your help, Jesus.  May Your Holy Spirit live and work in me and through me - today and every day.  I want to submit to Your will - to deny myself and pick up the purpose You have for my life.

As I was praying to continue to be amazed by Your love - I thought of the following verse from John 21:25 (NIV84):

'Jesus did many other things as well.  If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.'

As believers, transformed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ, we all should do have a story to tell about Him.  Imagine if we all wrote a book or books of what "things" He has done in our own lives.  Would the world have room?

Lord, help me to remember that Your 'story' doesn't end.  Indeed, it will continue until Jesus comes again, and then will be moved to heaven for those who believe.  May I live with Your story in my heart and mind.  May my lips be ready to share it when prompted by Your Holy Spirit.  May You continue to guide my feet along Your path, providing light and wisdom as needed (which will be a lot!).  I love You, LORD.

Today:  May I meditate on Your complete Goodness today.  Thinking of all You have done for me, Jesus.  And to think, the cross was the start, but You rose and sent us a Helper.  We are undeserving of Your love and blessings, and You still give us grace."

When my children were younger, I kept some index cards on a ring on my nightstand.  They had Scripture prayers from Beth Moore's book "Praying God's Word" along with other prayers and Scripture which spoke to my heart.  In the morning, I could easily grab those and read through them (at least a few of them) before a child (usually my warrior) woke up.  It involved no searching through a book, because I had His Word that most spoke to that season right there in my index cards.

If you are a believer, what's YOUR story?  Perhaps it would be better to say, "What are your stories?"  I'd like to encourage you to share ONE of them with someone today, as the Lord leads, of course, and tomorrow too!  If you're feeling brave moved, I would love for you to consider sharing one of them on this blog.  Perhaps it has to do with homeschooling, mothering, or some way you've grown in the Lord.  If so, please comment on this post, or send me a message.

There may not be room in the world for all of the books that would be written...but I'm thinking that computers bring a whole new aspect to the last verse of John.  What do you think?  Could we believers fill the whole cyberspace world with the many things Jesus has done?